Complaint C2-01409 – penalty

  • Complaint number: C2-01409
  • LBP number: BP103547
  • Region: Northland
  • Licence class: Carpentry
  • Decision date: 30 January 2017
  • Penalty: 318(1)a Cancel licence 318(4) Pay costs 318(5) Public notification of the Board's action
  • Disciplinary grounds: 317(1) b Negligent or incompetent work 317(1) h Misrepresented or worked outside competence

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317(1)(b) Negligent or incompetent work or supervision - 317(1)(h) breach of 314B(a) misrepresented competence - 318(1) Licence cancelled and Respondent not able to apply for relicensing for one month - 318(4) Pay costs $2000 - 318(5) Public notification of the Board's action, except for note in the register and the Respondent being named in this decision.