Construction stonemasonry as part of the LBP scheme

The Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) scheme is seeking submissions on proposed changes to add construction stonemasonry to the LBP scheme.

Closed: 5pm - 27 November 2018


Stonemasonry is a specialised trade involving the sourcing, cutting and shaping of natural stones for a range of purposes. Construction stonemasonry is using those stones in the construction of a building, e.g. as a cladding material in residential buildings.

Some aspects of stonemasonry can involve Restricted Building Work (RBW), however as there is currently no stonemasonry licence class, this has not been regulated.

While design aspects of stonemasonry are considered RBW and are covered under the design licensing class; the physical installation of stonemasonry on a building site is not currently Restricted Building Work.

You are encouraged to read through the discussion document thoroughly, and to send your submissions through. All submissions will be carefully considered. Submissions close on 27 November 2018 at 5pm. 

You may have also recently seen Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s consultation on changes to fees for LBPs, including an increase in the annual renewal fee. The consultation period has closed and submissions for this are being carefully considered. An outcome will likely be communicated later in the year.

Read about the fees consultation.(external link)