Complaint C2-01874 CB24661 - Substantive

  • Complaint number: C2-01874 CB24661
  • LBP number: BP113668
  • Region: Wellington
  • Licence class: Carpentry
  • Decision date: 18 December 2018
  • Penalty: 318(1)d Censure 318(4) Pay costs
  • Disciplinary grounds: 317(1) da Failed to supply certificate / record of work 317(1) b Negligent or incompetent work - not upheld
  • Summary: Negligence not upheld as changes to consent were being dealt with by the designer, insufficient evidence in respect of certain aspects and other licensed persons were responsible for other matters. Board noted that painting is building work under the definition of building work in the Act. Failure to provide a record of work upheld. Respondent censured and ordered to pay costs of $500.

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