Complaint C2-01745 - penalty

  • Complaint number: C2-01745
  • LBP number: BP116267
  • Region: Auckland
  • Licence class: Carpentry
  • Decision date: 7 May 2018
  • Penalty: 318(1)a Cancel licence 318(4) Pay costs
  • Disciplinary grounds: 317(1) i Conduct likely to bring the regime into disrepute
  • Summary: The Respondent was under declared bankrupt for failing to pay tax to IRD, but he continued to seek payments from the Complainant without disclosing this to them. The Respondent used this money to pay his tax debts and was unable to complete the work as planned. The Respondent further contracted for the work at a lower price that the work would generally cost, leaving the Complainant with completion costs that will likely exceed the original quote. The Board considered that the Respondent’s business practices have brought the LBP scheme into disrepute. The Respondent’s licence is cancelled and he may not reapply for two years. He is also ordered to pay costs of $1,000.

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