Complaint CB24972 (C2-01883) - Substantive

  • Complaint number: CB24972 (C2-01883)
  • LBP number: BP103437
  • Region: Auckland
  • Licence class: Carpentry
  • Decision date: 3 December 2018
  • Penalty: 318(1)d Censure 318(1)f Pay fine 318(4) Pay costs
  • Disciplinary grounds: 317(1) da Failed to supply certificate / record of work 317(1) i Conduct likely to bring the regime into disrepute 317(1) b Negligent or incompetent work - not upheld
  • Summary: Disrepute upheld on the basis of the Respondent’s communications with the Complainant. Communications were abusive, offensive and unacceptable. Failure to provide a record of work. Negligence not upheld, insufficient evidence to make a finding. Respondent censured and fined $1,500, costs of $2,000 ordered.

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