Dobney [2022] BPB CB25986 – Penalty Decision

  • Complaint number: CB25986
  • LBP number: BP129388
  • Region: Auckland
  • Licence class: Carpentry
  • Decision date: 4 April 2023
  • Penalty: 318(1)d Censure
  • Disciplinary grounds: 317(1) da Failed to supply certificate / record of work
  • Summary: A complaint was made that the Respondent had failed to provide a record of work on completion of restricted building work following a failed joint venture build.

    The Respondent argued that his restricted building work had not been completed. The Board found that it was complete, as the Respondent knew others had finished the work and that he would not be able to return and carry out any further restricted building work.

    The Board imposed a censure for the failure to provide a record of work on the basis that there were extenuating mitigating factors. No costs order was made on the same basis, and because the Respondent has been adjudicated as bankrupt.

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