News and updates
Keep up to date with news from the Board.
LBP Amendment Rules 2024
The Licenced Building Practitioner Rules have been amended to: change the late fee charge to be due if a licence is not renewed on or before the digital licence ID card expiry date update Schedule 2 which lists the recognised qualifications for licence classes. The change to the late fee applie...
Codewords issue 120
Codewords issue 120 includes information on Supervision and Remote inspections.
Complaint Decisions – August 2024
Summary of 6 cases: In 6 recent cases the respondents failed to provide a record of work on completion of restricted building work. All respondents were fined $1000 and ordered to pay costs of $500. These cases are a good reminder that the record of building work form must be completed by all LBPs...
Prosecution of an unlicensed person – Jimmy Carson
Between September 2021 and July 2022, Jimmy Carson, sole director of Carson Design and Co Ltd, forged the names and signatures of two licensed builders while working on three properties in Mt Maunganui, East Taieri and Tauranga.
Satisfied on reasonable grounds
MBIE has just released a guidance document on Satisfied on reasonable grounds. This is primarily for BCAs to help improve understanding of what ‘satisfied on reasonable grounds’ means and how to apply it.
Codewords issue 119
Codewords issue 119 includes information on Records of Work and Resolving disputes in building projects.
Complaint Decisions – June 2024
Case 1: The Respondent failed to provide a Record of Work on completion of Restricted Building Work. He is fined $1,000 and ordered to pay costs of $500. The disciplinary finding will be recorded on the public Register for a period of three years. Case 2: The Complaint was made by a main contract...
Skills Maintenance 115 Quiz Correction
What the building product information requirements mean for Licensed Building Practitioners
Complaint decisions – April 2024
The Building Practitioners Board hear and investigate complaints made against Licenced Building Practitioners (LBPs) about unsatisfactory work or breaches of the LBP code of ethics. The outcome of each complaint is published on the LBP website at lbp.govt
Codewords issue 118
Codewords issue 118 includes information on understanding the business side of being a tradie what you need to know when repairing flood damaged buildings.
Digital licence cards
A reminder that we no longer issue plastic ID cards for LBPs.
Complaint decisions – February 2024
The Building Practitioners Board hear and investigate complaints made against Licenced Building Practitioners (LBPs) about unsatisfactory work or breaches of the LBP code of ethics. The outcome of each complaint is published on this website.
Prosecution of an unlicensed person – Aaron Billington
Mr Aaron Billington a roofer based in Palmerston North, carried out the construction of a roof while un-licensed.
Codewords issue 117
Codewords issue 117 includes information on Energy Based Hazard Recognition and part 3 of our series on the code of ethics and what it means for you.
Updated guidance on replacing plasterboard in flood damaged buildings
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has updated its guidance to assist with remediation and recovery work in flood damaged buildings.
Codewords issue 116
Codewords issue 116 includes lessons learned from Board decisions, and what the Building Code update means to you.
Building Practitioners Board suspends builder’s licence
Building Practitioners Board suspends builder’s licence for bringing LBP scheme into disrepute.
Unlicensed Builder fined for carrying out restricted building work
An unlicensed builder has been fined after an investigation by Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) Occupational Regulation team found the man to be in breach of the Building Act 2004.
New retention money requirements now in force
New requirements to protect subcontractors who have retention money withheld from them commenced on 5 October 2023.
Lessons from Board decisions
When a complaint is made against a licensed building practitioner (LBP), the complaint is investigated, and if found to be within the grounds for complaints, it will be heard by the Building Practitioners Board.
Client Survey Reminder
You will have received an email with a link to our client survey especially for Licensed Building Practitioners. We run this survey every two years and really value the feedback you provide us through this.
Codewords issue 115
Codewords issue 115 includes more information about The code of ethics and the Building (Building Product Information Requirements) Regulations 2022.
Codewords issue 114
Codewords issue 114 includes information about The code of ethics and what it means to you and changes to retention money requirements.
‘Two Steps, Too Easy’ campaign encouraging businesses to use 2FA
Every business has information it needs to protect, and 2FA is the easiest way to do that. CERT NZ is back with the ‘Two Steps, Too Easy’ campaign encouraging small businesses to use this incredibly simple tool.
Codewords issue 113
Codewords issue 113 includes information about H1 Energy efficiency compliance and rebuilding in the aftermath of the severe summer weather.
Codewords issue 112
Codewords issue 112 includes information about the site licence class and the owner-builder exemption.
Codewords issue 111
Codewords issue 111 includes information about the new code of ethics and recent updates to the Building Code.
Codewords issue 110
Codewords issue 110 includes information about the BuiltReady scheme and how it works.
New code of ethics for LBPs is now in force
The new code of ethics for Licensed Building Practitioners (LBPs) is enforceable by the Building Practitioners Board from today (25 October 2022).
New LBP portal is now live
The new Licensed Building Practitioners (LBP) portal went live on Monday 3 October 2022.
Codewords issue 109
Codewords issue 109 includes MBIE guidance on building product substitution and Medium Density Residential Standards.
A new code of ethics for Licensed Building Practitioners
In October 2021, the Government announced a new code of ethics for Licensed Building Practitioners (LBPs), with a 12-month transition period before it becomes enforceable.
New LBP portal release date and webinar recording
The new Licensed Building Practitioners (LBP) portal goes live from Monday 3 October 2022.
Code of ethics webinar on 1 September 2022
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE’s) Building Performance team, are hosting a webinar about the new code of ethics for Licensed Building Practitioners (LBPs) at 6pm on Thursday 1 September 2022.
Codewords issue 108
Codewords issue 108 includes New Regulations for building products and Supervision.
Unlicensed designer prosecuted in the Tauranga District Court
Licensed building practitioners (LBPs) can be held to account by the Building Practitioners Board if they have breached any of the grounds for discipline referred to in Section 317 of the Building Act.
New LBP portal coming soon
We are replacing the Licensed Building Practitioners (LBP) portal later this year.
Codewords issue 107
Codewords issue 107 includes LBP Code of Ethics and Health & Safety Challenges in 2022.
Be more secure online with 2FA
CERT NZ’s latest campaign is focussed on helping small businesses, who are often time poor and not always super tech savvy, protect their online accounts with two-factor authentication (2FA).
Codewords issue 106
Codewords issue 106 includes updates to LBP self-service portal, communications, licence packs and skills maintenance.
Updates to LBP self-service portal, communications and licence packs in mid-2022
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is upgrading the LBP self-service portal in mid-2022. This upgrade is part of a wider MBIE initiative to modernise and improve security for our services.
Codewords issue 105
Codewords issue 105 includes the sixth and final article on the history of the LBP scheme, as well as information on grounds for complaints.
Codewords issue 104
Codewords issue 104 includes the fifth article on the history of the LBP scheme, as well as information on enhancing health and safety innovation in New Zealand.
New Code of Ethics for Licensed Building Practitioners
A new Code of Ethics has been introduced for Licensed Building Practitioners to ensure high standards are maintained in the industry.
Codewords issue 103
Codewords issue 103 includes the fourth article on the history of the LBP scheme, as well as information on building accessibility and the future proofing of our buildings.
COVID-19 Update
The LBP scheme is still operating under COVID-19 alert level 4, however our processing capacity has reduced due to various constraints. We are working on completing licensing renewals completed via the online portal.
Codewords issue 102
Codewords issue 102 includes further information on where the LBP scheme came from as well as information from MBIE's Weathertight Services Technical Team identifying recurring areas of weathertightness failures.
Codewords issue 101
Codewords issue 101 includes information on where the LBP scheme came from, and where it is heading to next and details about an upcoming survey of LBPs to help us understand the levels of service we are providing.
Codewords issue 100
Codewords issue 100 includes information on changes to the Building Code and suspensions
James Smith (CB25585)
The Board has chosen to publish the details of this hearing due to the LBP carrying out or supervising building work in a negligent manner, and in a manner that was contrary to a building consent. He also brought the licensing regime into disrepute when h
Alan Chellp (CB25422)
The Board has chosen to publish the details of this hearing due to the LBP negligently supervising roofing work that did not meet acceptable standards.
Blair Pitcaithly (CB25353)
The Board has chosen to publish the details of this hearing due to the respondent’s criminal offending bringing the Licensed Building Practitioners scheme into disrepute.
Impacted services: RealMe login outage
RealMe services are being upgraded from 9pm Friday 9 April to 9pm Sunday 11 April. Online services requiring Realme login will be unavailable during this time.
Codewords issue 99
This issue covers: Registrars update; Skills maintenance articles - Certificates of Work and Documenting Collaborative Design - Healthy homes: insulation
Ranjay Singh (CB25168)
The Board has chosen to publish these details due to the seriousness of the complaint. It is important that LBPs are aware of the consequences of these actions so that they can avoid the associated outcomes.
Hamish Crego-Bourne (CB25201)
The Board has chosen to publish these details due to the LBP not being fit to practise at the time of the offending.
Munesh Chand (CB25069)
The Board has chosen to publish these details to raise awareness that the primary purpose of sanctions is to uphold the integrity and high standards required of the profession. This case was initially a complaint but continued as a Board Inquiry.
Codewords issue 98
This issue covers: Registrars update; Skills maintenance articles - Carports without consents - Bringing rentals up to standard
Codewords issue 97
This issue covers: Registrars update; Skills maintenance articles - Certificates of work - Building a consent-free sleepout.
Codewords issue 96
This issue Covers: Registrars Update; Skills Maintenance Articles - New Building Consent Exemptions - Competence in Design - Right First Time - LBP fined for building without a consent.
COVID-19 Update
At COVID-19 Alert Level 1, our services are operating normally.
Applications are open to join the Building Practitioners Board
MBIE is seeking applications from candidates who are interested in bringing their successful background and experience to the role of member of the Building Practitioners Board (the Board).
Changes to registrar operating model
MBIE recently undertook an independent review to assess the licenced building practitioner (LBP) and electrical worker (EW) registrar operating model.
Free building standards now available
Over 120 building standards used for Building Code compliance have been funded for free download thanks to a successful collaboration between MBIE (Ministry of Business Employment and Innovation) and Standards New Zealand. This is great news for LBPs, as